Sunday, November 1, 2009

Overheard in Boston

One thing you lose in the car-centric suburbs is the snippets of overheard conversation as you pass in the street.  Friday I was able to collect these:

"And she says, so why were you in jail, and I say 12 accounts of attempted murder..."

"...there's a Quidditch match..."

she:  "...then somebody got stabbed---"
he: "Yeh, but they were stabbed over there."  (points across street)

We met an adorable South Boston couple at the bar, in a way New Englanders never meet, which is by making eye contact and introducing themselves.  So Kate and Brendan, if you are listening, hope you had a happy Halloween (with or without apostrophes)


  1. I often think I will write a play with the random snippets I hear every day when I'm walking in downtown Boston. Some day...

  2. Someone really referenced a Quidditch match?


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