Saturday, October 20, 2007

Real Corporate Drawing In

The subscribers of Real Corporate Email, many of whom also read this site (because I shamelessly promote it in my signature), have been encouraging me to plug

The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks

And so here you are, because I am out of material. Not completely out ("completely" out), because I have something churning ("Thinking is Writing," we used to say in the writing lab. And we did really say it, so I can quote it.)

Enjoy this blog. Blogger's photo upload is not functioning at the moment, so I cannot tease you with some of this week's submissions.

It is Found meets Engrish meets a little bit of PostSecret.

But I refuse to use the word Mash-up because it is silly branded slang for things we already have words for -- words like celebrity math and portmanteau.

The Quotation mark blog contains so many links to other blogs of this kind that I won't provide anymore. I'll just waste the rest of the evening reading them all.
Then I realized that RCE really does need a page of its own.

1 comment:

  1. I "laughed out loud." Honest.

    I stayed in a cottage once that had helpful signs all over the place. One read (misspelling in original):

    The "good" dishes are in the "cabinent" over the "sink"



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