Monday, August 7, 2006

It's Really Very Simple

1 - Marionettes, leprechauns, jack o’ lanterns, toile
2 - English schoolboys, goth grrls, Haley Joel Osment, steamer trunks
3 - Bozo, Jerry Lewis, Santa
4 - Grandfather clocks, Charlton Heston, OnStar
5 - Scarecrows, Identical twins, primitive portraits, Raggedy Ann
6 - Santa’s elves, Emmanuel Lewis
7 - Jack-in-the-box, carousel ponies
8 - Nancy Reagan, Zell Miller
9 - Davey’s dog Goliath
10 - PeeWee Herman
11 - C3PO
12 - Fred Rogers
13 - Michael Jackson


  1. I'm hissing with hysterical laughter. Brava! Who said it couldn't be done? Very clever.

  2. I must confess - I'm lost. I thought at first you were dealing with "6 degrees of separation" and maybe you are but. . . (like satire, I don't get it.) Marn

  3. Proof that Michael Jackson is the center of all evil. I like it!


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